Saturday, June 16, 2007

Jack Growling at J.K. Rowling?

Is J.K. Rowling now writing books for the movie? Well, Harry Potter books critical buffs and Rowling jealous people are quoting this as the latest media speculation.

Okay, so it might be true, but there is a serious doubt, I ask which might appear invalid for many people. "What does a book meant for a movie mean?"

As in, I personally feel all books are capable to be made into movies. If R.K. Narayan's 'Malgudi Days' became an everlasting hit, well, it was then converted into a serial. Belive me, converting 'Malgudi Days' into a visual form was a close to impossible imagination. For that matter, any book written becomes fiercely difficult to make into a film simply because, the substance in the book/novel can't be afforded to be lost.

Moreover, I don't think its bad to earn the maximum money out of a novel you get published. Writing a book is an uphill task, not everyone can write a book. Besides, those whining about these unnecessary speculations themselves would be lured into this cash expontiating method of giving movie rights to their book. They might end up to be more greedy that J.K. Rowling 'might' be now!