Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Soccer reign/raining-ing on Kerala!

This summer hols from North I visited my grands at South, more specifically in Kerala. I wasn't surprised to see soccer being played in every alley of my district. After all, of all states Kerala is perhaps the most soccer crazy of all. But I was surprised to find it in the peak monsoon season, when rain lashed ruthlessly almost creating pseudo-sea's. The spirit isn't washed away.

Here the soccer game for a "normal" freak starts at around 6 am and ends at 9 am, the next session is never to far away. Pre-lunch games are a ritual, then the evening game is pretty obvious. During night games only happen if there are district tournaments which showcase the fiercest of game spirit for soccer.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Jack Growling at J.K. Rowling?

Is J.K. Rowling now writing books for the movie? Well, Harry Potter books critical buffs and Rowling jealous people are quoting this as the latest media speculation.

Okay, so it might be true, but there is a serious doubt, I ask which might appear invalid for many people. "What does a book meant for a movie mean?"

As in, I personally feel all books are capable to be made into movies. If R.K. Narayan's 'Malgudi Days' became an everlasting hit, well, it was then converted into a serial. Belive me, converting 'Malgudi Days' into a visual form was a close to impossible imagination. For that matter, any book written becomes fiercely difficult to make into a film simply because, the substance in the book/novel can't be afforded to be lost.

Moreover, I don't think its bad to earn the maximum money out of a novel you get published. Writing a book is an uphill task, not everyone can write a book. Besides, those whining about these unnecessary speculations themselves would be lured into this cash expontiating method of giving movie rights to their book. They might end up to be more greedy that J.K. Rowling 'might' be now!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Where Do The Young Invest?

I'm not talking about latte or taffy type of investment, I'm talking about under-40 group of investors in Mutual funds, chit funds, stocks and the jibe. Well, for one investment surprise, I found was that the percentage of investment in Medical Insurance, Life Insurance counts lesser than investment in cars, home and the type. Senior investors often prefer share holding but naah, the younger gen is cooler here as well, simply because it prefers simple fixed deposits.

Education loans have however been on an all time high, kids hold onto your underpants! RD (Reader's Digest) gave in one of its edition a very comprehensive study of investment specifically of the under-40 group in India. The results were not very namby-pamby to the ears of so-called 'senior' investors. They hardly know whether to invest in their own self!! hahahaha! Talk about confidence.

Also, I learnt that senior investors prefer health, mediclaim, accident insurance! talk about confidence, here as well. Well, let's hope my blog investment pays up!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Are You Possessed?

If you are...well, DON'T BE MY FRIEND. I am absolutely fine, with the way my life is going. By the way, why I am asking you this is because I have some contacts, they have exclusively agreed to be guest bloggers, only at exorcistblog.blogspot.com. If you are thinking who these "contacts" are, people, they are- Exorcists.

In case you are thinking what on earth are exorcists, well they are dudes who perform exorcism i.e. ridding of demons or other supernatural beings who have possessed a person, or (sometimes) a building or other object.

And you want to know something more? That you never knew...well, you aked for it- recently, many dioceses have formally appointed priests to the function of Exorcist, partly to respond to an increase in requests for the practice after the release of the 1973 movie The Exorcist(yup, hollywood rules!) and partly as a result of reaffirmation of exorcism as a necessary ritual by Pope John Paul II (who reportedly performed three exorcisms himself during his pontificate) and Pope Benedict XVI. Gabriele Amorth is the chief exorcist of the Diocese of Rome, and founder of the International Association of Exorcists.

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Godfather Calls You

Don Vito Corleone realizes that without him, the innocent will suffer, they will wither away like leaves in autumn- be oppressed. For the first time in the history of Genco Pura Olive Oil Co., the Godfather asks you tell your problems to him. He will reply, that is an honourable promise. In return he only ask for one thing, your friendship. Yes, the Godfather has agreed to help people through exorcistblog.blogspot.com, with once more a non-Sicilian consigliere, that is, me. However, if you deny friendship and resist offers from the Godfather, God forbid...he will make an offer you cannot resist. Life is beautiful.